Call of duty black ops cold war review
Call of duty black ops cold war review

call of duty black ops cold war review

Now I know some of the Call of Duty “Bros” are just there for the multiplayer and might just play through the campaign for the story as well.

call of duty black ops cold war review

Some of my favorite parts of this campaign was actally the optional missions. However what is alot of fun are the set pieces in between the chaos, from infultrating bases while disguised, to sabotaging your enemies, there is some depth and layers here vs the standard level after level of just shooting down everything in sight. Sure the core of every Call of Duty game is get from point A to point B while tearing down waves of enemies and capturing or killing your objective, this doesn’t change in Black Ops Cold War. They just take things in a totally different direction and give you more of a spy feel vs standard military ops. I firmly believe that the stories in the Black Ops Series are some of the best COD campaigns hands down.

call of duty black ops cold war review

Adler assembles an elite team of operatives including “Bell” with the help of Alex Mason, Frank Woods, and Jason Hudson. In 1981, US President Ronald Reagan tasked CIA operative Russell Adler to hunt down Soviet agent Perseus to prevent an attack on the free world. The game is a direct sequel to the original game Call of Duty: Black Ops. The Campaign mode of Black Ops Cold War was designed and developed by Raven Software which was already designing a campaign based on the Cold War before Treyarch took the project over. Tis the season everyone, time for Call of Duty to release a new game, Time for them to climb the sales charts with another new title, Time for wives to mourn the loss of their husbands as we all prepare our bodies and new consoles for some elite level pew pew action.

Call of duty black ops cold war review